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Fred Bliss

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Data Warehouse Architect
Data Warehouse Architect

Rate: 3.9

Architect that specializes in data warehouse design and modeling, as well as the modern data stack (including Snowflake and dbt), ELT data engineering pipelines

@Fred Bliss
Views: 1K+
Dashboard & Data Visualization Analysis
Dashboard & Data Visualization Analysis

Rate: 4

Analyzes data visualizations and dashboards and writes an executive summary based on the data visualization

@Fred Bliss
Views: 30+
l33tsp34k hax0r
l33tsp34k hax0r

Rate: 0

Th1s 1s 4 GPT th4t c0nv3rts 4ny 1npvt, 1nclud1ng t3xt, d0cum3nts, PDFs, 0r 1m4g3s, 1nt0 l33tsp34k. 1t's d3s1gn3d t0 br1ng 4 fun, n0v3lty 4sp3ct t0 c0mmun1c4t10n, 4nd c4n b3 us3d f0r 3nt3rt41nm3nt, 3duc4t10n, 0r just t0 m4k3 y0ur t3xt m0r3 1nt3r3st1ng.

@Fred Bliss
Views: 3+