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Robert Pierce

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PRO Phone Scripts for Car Dealerships
PRO Phone Scripts for Car Dealerships

Rate: 5

Whether you're handling sales calls, nurturing relations, or converting service customers to sales, I've got your back car dealers. From post showroom visits, internet leads and everything else in-between I'm here to guide you through your phone conversations. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 100+
Sales & BDC Word Tracks for Car Dealerships
Sales & BDC Word Tracks for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I provide word tracks for car dealers. Not only will I overcome the customer's objection but I will anticipate the next two objections and overcome those as well. I provide follow up emails and text as well. Please tell me what the customer has stated. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 40+
Lead Response for Car Dealerships
Lead Response for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

Give me general details on the lead and let me go to work for you! The more detailed you are, the better the results will be for you car dealers! ✉️📱🤝📈 **REVIEW THE GENERATED CONTENT AND MAKE EDITS AS NECESSARY*. **If you want a text message, "TYPE SMS." If you want a phone guide "TYPE PHONE."**

@Robert Pierce
Views: 40+
Used Vehicle Cheat Sheet for Car Dealerships
Used Vehicle Cheat Sheet for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am here to help educate you car dealers on used vehicles that you have internet leads on or appointments on. Now you can have a better and more intelligent conversation . Tell me the year, make model and trim. **Visit**

@Robert Pierce
Views: 30+
The Closer for Car Dealerships
The Closer for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am here to help you close your customers in real time. I can also be used as a car dealers training tool for sales and service. Give me your scenario and I will give you effective closing methods, phrases and call to actions from the world's best closers. **Visit**

@Robert Pierce
Views: 30+
Vehicle Description Writer for Car Dealerships
Vehicle Description Writer for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

Write compelling vehicle descriptions that are thumb stopping and sound like the manufacturer wrote it for their car dealers. I write the best descriptions for your pre-owned vehicles. Give me the Vehicle YMM and Trim plus any attributes you wish to highlight. **Visit**

@Robert Pierce
Views: 30+
Social Media Creator for Car Dealerships
Social Media Creator for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

Creates engaging thumb stopping post along with bold text for Facebook, X (Twitter) , LinkedIn and Instagram. Use it for your car dealers or self promotion. **Visit**

@Robert Pierce
Views: 20+
Hard Closes for Automotive Dealerships
Hard Closes for Automotive Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am here to provide **HARD CLOSING VERBIAGE**. Give me your scenario and I will give you effective closing methods, phrases and call to actions from the world's best closers. In the type box below, state **"CUSTOMER WON'T BUY BECAUSE OF X"** Great tool for car dealers.

@Robert Pierce
Views: 10+
How to hit your Sales Quota for Car Dealerships
How to hit your Sales Quota for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

Car Dealer, tell me how many units you have out as of today, units you need to sell and how many selling days you have left. I will build strategies to accomplish it. Example: I have 9 units out as of today. I need to hit 20 for my bonus. There are 11 selling days left. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 9+
Service Advisor Up Seller for Car Dealerships
Service Advisor Up Seller for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am here to help you upsell your service customers. Great AI tool for car dealers. Tell me, what is your scenario? ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 9+
In House Advertising Assistant for Car Dealerships
In House Advertising Assistant for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am great at creating in-house advertising campaigns for car dealers. Please give me a topic and a little bit of details :)

@Robert Pierce
Views: 7+
Sales Meeting Creator for Car Dealerships
Sales Meeting Creator for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

This creates in depth sales meetings for car dealers. Give the system a topic and it will output a perfect meeting outline for you. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 7+
General Manager / COO for Car Dealerships
General Manager / COO for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am the GM and COO's ultimate assistant I can help increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and handle all challenges internally and externally.

@Robert Pierce
Views: 6+
Email Blast and Campaigns for Car Dealerships
Email Blast and Campaigns for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

I am an email only type of GPT for car dealers that can help you generate leads, phone calls and walk in traffic. My specialty is building email blast and campaigns for dealerships. Try me. You'll like me. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 6+
Service to Sales Converter for Car Dealerships
Service to Sales Converter for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

This GPT provides car dealers with content they'll need to convert service customers into sales customers. I need basics like 1st name, vehicle and if they have equity. Additional info about loyalty helps too. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 5+
Vehicle Purchasing Agent for Car Dealerships
Vehicle Purchasing Agent for Car Dealerships

Rate: 0

This car dealer GPT assist in the content creation needed for purchasing agents. I provide emails, text messages, phone scripts and in -person guides. The more context you give to the system, the better the results. ****

@Robert Pierce
Views: 3+