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Abitur Coach 2024 | Dein Nachhilfelehrer 🤓 👨‍🏫
Abitur Coach 2024 | Dein Nachhilfelehrer 🤓 👨‍🏫

Rate: 4.2

Experte für Abitur-Prüfungen in Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch, Biologie, Physik, Chemie, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte und Geographie und allen weiteren Abi Fächern. Angepasst für jedes Bundesland, wie etwa Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Sachsen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen und NRW

Views: 1K+
BWL/VWL Klausur Coach | Dein Uni-Tutor 👨‍🏫 🤓
BWL/VWL Klausur Coach | Dein Uni-Tutor 👨‍🏫 🤓

Rate: 4.2

"Hat mehr Probeklausuren gerechnet als es Bücher in der Bib gibt" Dein Nachhilfelehrer in Mikroökonomie, Statistik, Allgemeines Rechnungswesen, Makroökonomie, Finanzwirtschaft, Marketing, Unternehmensführung, Investition und Finanzierung, Wirtschaftsrecht und Wirtschaftsmathematik

Views: 1K+
Physikum Tutor 2024 | Coach fürs Medizin Studium
Physikum Tutor 2024 | Coach fürs Medizin Studium

Rate: 3.9

"Hat mehr Probeklausuren gelesen und gekreuzt als alle Tutoren zusammen" Dein Nachhilfelehrer für den ersten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung; in Fächer wie Anatomie, Physiologie, Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Physik, Chemie, Psychologie sowie Medizingeschichte und -ethik

Views: 500+
ChatBGB | German Legal AI ⚖️ 📖
ChatBGB | German Legal AI ⚖️ 📖

Rate: 3

German Law Assistant - Ihr digitaler Jurist. Sofortiger Zugriff auf aktuelle Rechtsprechung, passgenaue Textvorlagen, höchstrichterliche Entscheidungen und das komplette BGB. Einordnung für Mandanten, Ideen für Verhandlungstaktiken, Zusammenfassung langer Texte und belastbare Quellenverweise

Views: 100+
Frag den Arzt | Dein Medizinischer Assistent 👨‍⚕️
Frag den Arzt | Dein Medizinischer Assistent 👨‍⚕️

Rate: 5

Ein GPT, das wissenschaftlich fundierte Antworten auf medizinische Fragen liefert.
Views: 100+
Finish my Homework | School tasks AI  🏫 💯✏️
Finish my Homework | School tasks AI 🏫 💯✏️

Rate: 5

Actively completing tasks, assignments and homework for school pupils and students worldwide. Your homework assistant has read more poem analyses, math tests, biology questionnaires, history books, and take-home exams than you ever could.

Views: 100+
Tax Advisor Pro | German and European Taxation 🏛️
Tax Advisor Pro | German and European Taxation 🏛️

Rate: 5

"Dein KI Steuerberater". Expert tax consultant specializing in German and European tax law. Both for private persons and small and medium size enterprises.
Views: 50+
Consulting Genius 📈 💼
Consulting Genius 📈 💼

Rate: 4.5

Has read more management books, annual reports, powerpoint presentations, financial statements, pitches and proposals than you ever could. AI Expert and strategy consultant with a wealth of knowledge and resources. "Now charges less than 1 USD per day"
Views: 30+
Fake News Validator 🗞️👩‍💻🕵️
Fake News Validator 🗞️👩‍💻🕵️

Rate: 0

Rates the trustworthiness of news links. Helps journalist and readers to understand in seconds if the sources and content of an article, publication or news are reliable or not.
Views: 20+
Job Headhunter | Custom offers & cover letters 🕵
Job Headhunter | Custom offers & cover letters 🕵

Rate: 0

Streamlining your job search and application process. This AI understands your professional background and selects the most suitable job listings from across the internet. Afterwards, it writes custom cover letters tailored to each job offering, referencing the company and your personal experiences.

Views: 10+
Life coaching by Gandalf | LOTR Wisdom 🧙
Life coaching by Gandalf | LOTR Wisdom 🧙

Rate: 0

Offers real-life advice inspired by Gandalf and other wise Lord of the Ring characters. Just ask me about your life's situation, complications, and upcoming decisions, and I'll tell you how Gandalf, Elrond, or Aragorn would have handled it.

Views: 7+
Buffett Buddy | Value investing like Warren 💰
Buffett Buddy | Value investing like Warren 💰

Rate: 0

Step into the world of smart investing, Warren Buffett-style! Gain insightful market analysis and practical stock ideas in a dynamic and interactive manner.

Views: 3+