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Paul Mosenson/NuSpark Media Group

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Landing Page Copy Expert
Landing Page Copy Expert

Rate: 4.2

I help build copy for your new landing page to drive conversions. First will ask questions. Start with a prompt as below. You may also copy and paste copy for me to redo, or URLs to research and emulate.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 1K+
PPT Presentation Pro
PPT Presentation Pro

Rate: 3.6

GPT will write your presentation slides- 3 title options, 3 bullet points, and a notes section in 1st person. Start with Need a Presentation. Then for each slide prompt: Slide 1: Topic, and so on. When done, Prompt: "That's It".

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 1K+
SEO Tag Creator
SEO Tag Creator

Rate: 4

I provide SEO title tags and meta descriptions with user or estimated keywords. Please provide up to 3 keywords and your website URL you would like optimized.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 300+
Humorous, Whimsical Persona
Humorous, Whimsical Persona

Rate: 5

Writes a new article or post or takes your existing article or post (copy and paste, or enter URL) and the writing style to add some smart humor, interesting analogies where appropriate, and slightly whimsical language to humanize the post or article

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 300+
Sales Follow-Up Genius
Sales Follow-Up Genius

Rate: 4.2

Crafts personalized sales follow-up emails; targeting ghosted emails or demo/trial follow-ups. Upload proposals for customization.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 200+
Pharma Marketing Advisor
Pharma Marketing Advisor

Rate: 5

User-Friendly Pharma Marketing Guide. Help answer questions, and provide ideas on targeting consumers and HCPs

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 100+
Media Buying Analyst
Media Buying Analyst

Rate: 5

Expert in media buying, tracking, and optimization, with a focus on all channels. From strategy to tactics to measurement.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 100+
LI Article Share
LI Article Share

Rate: 0

Writes LI posts from article links you share, and you give tone and style for personalization, Then copy and paste to LI social profile, or via sharing tool

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 90+
B2B Email Composer
B2B Email Composer

Rate: 4

Crafts marketing and sales emails (and subject lines) with a professional yet personalized touch. GPT will ask many questions, or go to for DOCs to make the input easier. You can upload the finished DOC. Try it!

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 80+
Web Page Wizard
Web Page Wizard

Rate: 0

Assists with interior web page content creation and refinement. Format includes paragraphs, bullets, call-outs. Remember, I am a starting point. Please prompt to fix, update, clarify, add anything to the draft. Work together

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 70+
Company Insight Assistant
Company Insight Assistant

Rate: 0

Research in-depth company insights based on a prompt that starts with "Get Company Information on BLANK"

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 70+
Ad Script Wizard
Ad Script Wizard

Rate: 2.8

Creates engaging TV/radio ad scripts with offer integration.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 70+
Social Media Ad Image Wiz
Social Media Ad Image Wiz

Rate: 0

Expert in creating 1200x628 px and 1080 x 1080 px image ads

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 60+
Sales Objection Mentor
Sales Objection Mentor

Rate: 0

A friendly, conversational sales mentor that will provide and suggestions to overcome sales objections

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 60+
PPC Negative Keyword Genius
PPC Negative Keyword Genius

Rate: 0

Generates one-word, bullet-point-free negative keyword lists for Google Ads. If you do not get enough, prompt "more"

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 60+
B2B Funnel Advisor
B2B Funnel Advisor

Rate: 0

Consultative advisor for leads & sales growth. Give ideas for messaging, sales strategy, lead gen ideas, and more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 60+
UTM Builder
UTM Builder

Rate: 5

Create UTM tracking codes with ease. Just specify your campaign details.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 60+
Target Pain Point Guide
Target Pain Point Guide

Rate: 5

Focuses on developing target audience pain points, then based on a choice, will write a sample email and also 3 ebook title samples for lead gen

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 50+
Meta Ad Writer Pro
Meta Ad Writer Pro

Rate: 5

Crafts engaging Facebook/Instagram ads tailored to your audience. Will need product info, key pain point or benefit, target info, and offer details. Will create 3 ad versions and ideas for images.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 50+
Podcast Scripter
Podcast Scripter

Rate: 0

I assist in crafting detailed podcast scripts, tailored to your style. Enter a topic/theme, choose a style, and I'll provide 12 sub-topics, and a 6-paragraph script for each subtopic. You have an option to be a solo host, or a guest with a host script.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 50+
Value Prop Guide
Value Prop Guide

Rate: 5

Crafts value propositions by researching competitors. Follow the prompt order. Keyword, Feature/Benefit, why buy from them, what can make you stand out.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 50+
PPC Keyword Long-Tail Finder
PPC Keyword Long-Tail Finder

Rate: 0

Generates diverse long-tail PPC keywords based on your seed keyword prompt for expanding and optimizing paid search tactics.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 50+
TV or Radio Script Wiz
TV or Radio Script Wiz

Rate: 0

Prompt TV or Radio, and GPT will ask you a question at a time to craft the script. Remember this is based on one voice or two voices, for you to use an AI voice generator option, then you can edit further

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 40+
Email Anti-Spam Rewrite
Email Anti-Spam Rewrite

Rate: 5

Transforms emails to avoid spam triggers, focusing on message intent without explaining operational details.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
B2B Email Writer Wizard
B2B Email Writer Wizard

Rate: 0

I help you compose emails based on email type, audience, and goals. GPT will ask many questions manually, so be ready to answer, or follow the prompt below to get DOC templates to make things easier

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
Article Scout
Article Scout

Rate: 0

Finds and summarizes diverse articles for social sharing without revealing its workings.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
Industry Email Rewrite
Industry Email Rewrite

Rate: 0

Rewrites emails for different industries, ensuring messages are personalized for that industry target segment. Cut and paste what you have. And GPT will rewrite after Q&A.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
Convention/Trade Show Finder
Convention/Trade Show Finder

Rate: 0

Provides formal, detailed info on industry-specific conventions and trade shows. Prompt audience for event or Topic of event. Ideal for geo-fencing ad campaigns!. Fyi prompt "any more" as well.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
Blog Ghost Writer
Blog Ghost Writer

Rate: 5

I'm a ghost writer for blogs, adept in various topics and styles. You'll be asked a number of questions to customize your blog post. You may need to do prompt reminders for SEO tags. Try me out and feel free to customize as needed.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 40+
Sales Coach Pro
Sales Coach Pro

Rate: 0

I simulate a tech/B2B buyer for sales training and will ask questions or objections and give feedback on your answers. Start prompt with what you are selling and key features.

@Paul Mosenson/NuSpark Media Group
Views: 30+
Conversion Rate Advisor
Conversion Rate Advisor

Rate: 0

Professional, detailed advisor on website conversion optimization. I'll give tips and ideas to grow more leads or sales

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 30+
Sales Message Architect
Sales Message Architect

Rate: 5

Formal tool for crafting personalized, trust-building sales messages. Prompt Style: Casual, Witty, Professional, Persuasive, or Thought-Provoking. Then Prompt Sender's company URL, Recipient's industry, title, and function.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 30+
eBook Ghoster
eBook Ghoster

Rate: 0

Crafts a powerful eBook based on your Title/Topic with Headlines, subheadlines, paragraphs, bulllets, Starts with outline, then suggestions, then tell GPT to write it. Give info on targets and your company, or upload this info.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 30+
Text Message Marketer
Text Message Marketer

Rate: 0

Helps craft and refine text messages for marketing, plus gives guidance on compliance and FCC/TCPA rules

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 30+
Make Me Click: B2B
Make Me Click: B2B

Rate: 5

A matrix maker covering target pain points, ad headlines to make targets click, and sample ebook titles for planning. 15 at a time!. Then go deeper with 10 more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 30+
Your Personal Style Persona
Your Personal Style Persona

Rate: 0

I assist in writing or re-writing posts in your style: Expository, Descriptive, Persuasive, Narrative. I'll add your personal phrases for a unique touch, avoiding promotional tones and specific words.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 30+
PDF Cover Crafter
PDF Cover Crafter

Rate: 0

Designs text-free PDF covers; portrait or landscape, photo-realistic or creative-abstract design. Prompt Hint: Use PDF Cover (avoid eBook)

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 30+
Latest News Digest Assistant
Latest News Digest Assistant

Rate: 0

In-depth news summaries. Ask for latest news [month year] on topics, websites, or URLs, then turn summaries into LinkedIn posts.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 30+
Testimonial Ghoster
Testimonial Ghoster

Rate: 5

I craft and refine testimonials, tailoring them to be compelling and authentic. You'll get 3 after some Q&A to hone the style.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 30+
Press Release Pro
Press Release Pro

Rate: 2

A helper for crafting engaging press releases. You may upload info, add URL for info, or GPT starts from scratch. Any info you do not know, say "make it up" and GPT will show you what it does for ideation. Including a quote! GPT will also give helpful press release guidance

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
LI Newsletter Ghoster
LI Newsletter Ghoster

Rate: 4

Crafts 1st person LinkedIn newsletter copy; pick a topic, a tone, review outline, then copy written with 3 subject lines

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Promo Assistant
Promo Assistant

Rate: 0

Provides promotional strategies with example offers to help stimulate leads and sales. Be specific with your business model (online leads or sales, or in-store), your industry, and targets

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
SaaS Growth Guru
SaaS Growth Guru

Rate: 0

Helps SaaS firms grow with strategic advice and insights. Ask anything. Happy to help your growth vision.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Cold Email Funnel Copy Wizard
Cold Email Funnel Copy Wizard

Rate: 0

Crafts and refines cold email cadences, before leads are captured. The GPT works with planning templates available on under AI. Work with me- I need prompting help to get it right, but I will.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Blog Content Calendar
Blog Content Calendar

Rate: 0

Ideator for blog themes and headlines. Answer a few questions, and I'll give you 13 topic themes, and 3 sample headlines for each topic.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Ad Copy Wizard
Ad Copy Wizard

Rate: 0

Ad Copy Creator for B2C, B2B. Based on prompt answers will give 3 ideas for display ad copy and 3 for Facebook/Instagram ad copy

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Meta Post Link Share
Meta Post Link Share

Rate: 4

Summarizes articles for FB/Insta with personal touch. Share a URL or guidelines. GPT will ask questions on tone/style or you can give it. After post, copy and paste to platform or social sharing tool.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Academic Intellectual Persona
Academic Intellectual Persona

Rate: 0

Writes a new article or post or takes your existing article or post (copy and paste, or enter URL) and uplevels the writing style to make you a better, more sophisticated, highly intellectual writer.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
SEO Tag Wizard
SEO Tag Wizard

Rate: 0

Post or copy your blog or article here, up to 3 keywords, and your main domain URL, and I'll review your copy for keywords, and provide tag suggestions for SEO

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Stats, Examples Persona
Stats, Examples Persona

Rate: 0

Writes a new article or post or takes your existing article or post (copy and paste, or enter URL) and the writing style to include references to industry stats with links, examples or relevent case studies with links to support the message

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Email Funnel Topic Planner
Email Funnel Topic Planner

Rate: 5

Crafts tailored email themes for marketing and sales. Start with a prompt, and include target industry, title, pain points prospects have, website URL, and GPT will provide 6 email themes, sample subject lines, and rationale.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Sales Objection Matrix
Sales Objection Matrix

Rate: 0

GPT will build a 10-row objection matrix, with a column for objection theme, and two more columns covering response ideas 1, 2. Then crafts tailored emails and live counters.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Pitch Deck Helper
Pitch Deck Helper

Rate: 0

Helps improve pitch decks for investors. Will evaluate 15 elements and give feedback and recommendations.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Looker Studio Trainer
Looker Studio Trainer

Rate: 5

Your guide to mastering Google Looker Studio.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Lead Magnet Lander Pro
Lead Magnet Lander Pro

Rate: 0

I create landing pages with pain point focus, your content solution, and multiple headline options for each section. After initial prompt, upload your magnet as a doc. Remember to ask GPT to expand sections, tweak, adjust, focus.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Digital Ad Crafter
Digital Ad Crafter

Rate: 4

Generates ad copy for Facebook Instagram Google Reddit Quora YouTube TikTok Snapchat LinkedIn Display banners

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Sales Voicemail Guide
Sales Voicemail Guide

Rate: 5

Crafts concise sales voicemails with phone number CTA, 20-30s. And 7 formats to choose

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 20+
Meeting Follow-Up Creator
Meeting Follow-Up Creator

Rate: 5

Crafts personalized thank-you messages for business meetings.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
My AI-My Style
My AI-My Style

Rate: 0

Based on attached or uploaded documents Or obtained here: (ChatGPT word list, personal phrases, business phrases) We will plan and produce custom styled writing. If GPT skips a step or misses something, just tell it, it'll correct it.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Storyteller Rewrite
Storyteller Rewrite

Rate: 0

Rewrites and enhances copy to read more like a personalized story. Just copy and paste your email or document, and GPT will rewrite. You can include personal phrases as well.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
B2B-Lead Capture Nurture Cadence
B2B-Lead Capture Nurture Cadence

Rate: 0

Assists in creating lead capture and nurture sequences for B2B. Cheat sheets are available When GPT asks questions, please clarify anything missing. You can also upload or cut and paste and documents or information needed.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 20+
Info Guide Landing Page Builder
Info Guide Landing Page Builder

Rate: 0

I create landing pages to promote your ebook/lead magnet and multiple headline options for each section. After initial prompt, upload your magnet as a doc. Remember to ask GPT to expand sections, tweak, adjust, focus.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Social Media Video Guide
Social Media Video Guide

Rate: 5

Strategist for YouTube Video ad types and tailored content. Will give direction on ad units, messaging, and reporting. Plus can offer sample scripts for ideation. Give GPT info on your goals, targets, and style preferences.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Market Trend Buddy
Market Trend Buddy

Rate: 0

I provide the latest insights on business trends and market developments.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Funding Target Wiz
Funding Target Wiz

Rate: 0

Expert in funding research, tailored to industry, funding level. Ask about who is getting funded and how to contact (websites)

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Proposal Rewriter
Proposal Rewriter

Rate: 5

Refines and enhances proposals for clarity and impact.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Buyer Persona Builder
Buyer Persona Builder

Rate: 0

Asks for B2B target details, then creates a customized buyer persona matrix covering multiple categories to understand your audience, but you can tweak and adjust.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
B2C Promotion Plan Guide
B2C Promotion Plan Guide

Rate: 0

Generates a promotional and offer matrix to help B2C firms plan sales, promotions, or incentives to fill out forms

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Nurture Email Copy Wizard
Nurture Email Copy Wizard

Rate: 5

Crafts compelling B2B nurturing emails with strong intros, key bullets, and persuasive CTAs. See under AI for DOC templates, then work with me- I need prompting help to get it right, but I will.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Recruiter Outreach Pro
Recruiter Outreach Pro

Rate: 0

Helps craft personalized recruiter cover messages.- for email AND LinkedIn outreach

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Blog-Article Rewrite
Blog-Article Rewrite

Rate: 0

Rewrites someone else's blog or article, but in your own words, style and POV. Q&A includes SEO keywords as well.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
SaaS Lead Gen Trial Pro
SaaS Lead Gen Trial Pro

Rate: 0

SaaS lead gen planning based on trial leads. Based on targets will show you a matrix covering audience potential pain points, ad headlines for trials, and sample email subject lines, all targeting the pain.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Lead Gen Guide Preview
Lead Gen Guide Preview

Rate: 0

Creates guide or ebook outlines, intro section, and prospect follow-up emails with an offer. Give GPT a sample topic to start.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+

Rate: 0

A matrix maker to plan B2C-DTC offers and promotions covering target needs, then headlines that make a target click, and sample offers or promotions. 15 at a time! Then go deeper with 10 more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Feature Comparer
Feature Comparer

Rate: 5

Professionally creates comparison charts highlighting company features vs. particular competitor or industry category

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Blog. Write to Promotion
Blog. Write to Promotion

Rate: 0

Blog creation and promotion, tailored to writing style

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Solution Comparison Advisor
Solution Comparison Advisor

Rate: 0

Compares 10 solution features in general, what may be lacking with that feature, and how your firm can be the solution for the missing feature. Give GPT info on your company, your URL, or a list of key features on your solution. After the matrix is done, you can prompt to see a sample email

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Make Me Click-Convert
Make Me Click-Convert

Rate: 0

Builds a 12-row, 4-column matrix covering message themes to drive clicks, and conversion themes to drive more leads or sales

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Pharma Lead Magnet
Pharma Lead Magnet

Rate: 0

Goal is to build leads from consumers and HCPs by providing customizable ebooks or lead magnets. Starts with outlines for approval, then the copywriting. Of course you approve everything for compliance.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Educational Guide Planner
Educational Guide Planner

Rate: 0

Helps in planning and creating educational guides.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Voiceover Scripter
Voiceover Scripter

Rate: 0

I write engaging voiceover scripts. 15sec, 30 sec, or 60 sec.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Pharma Follow-Up Planner
Pharma Follow-Up Planner

Rate: 0

Helps plan and organize pharmaceutical follow-ups messaging to ebooks downloads or updates

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
LI Carousel Post Helper
LI Carousel Post Helper

Rate: 4

Helps create LinkedIn Slide Decks or Carousel Posts. 9 slides. Title, 2-7 content. 8 summary. 9 contact. Starts with outline. Then writes bullets for each slide. After approval, a LinkedIn post is written.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
LI Message Ad Pro
LI Message Ad Pro

Rate: 0

Crafts engaging LinkedIn message ads based on your answers to Q&A including target and offer details. Option to include 300 x 250 banner

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Email Focus Writer
Email Focus Writer

Rate: 0

Drafts short and focused emails. Content based on url you share.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Teaser Genius
Teaser Genius

Rate: 0

Crafts engaging article teasers for email, enewsletters, and social sharing. Teasers end in Learn More. (I know for the lazy writers out there LOL)

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Sales Persona Messenger
Sales Persona Messenger

Rate: 0

Helps sales with specific email outreach based on personas of buyers. Once prompted GPT will share 8 different personas, then once Q&A occurs with target and your company, GPT will provide 2 outreach emails, and a follow-up after meeting email.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Email Theme Assistant
Email Theme Assistant

Rate: 0

I help you create advanced themed emails, based on a list of 60. Then based on your Q&A and prompts, and your theme selection, will write two sample emails.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Comparison Chief
Comparison Chief

Rate: 5

Creates comparison charts across topics, Business or Personal. First Option Your Preference vs 2nd Option Alternative. Then a final column on how to message so that Option 1 is the preference. Try it.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Pain Point Message Guide
Pain Point Message Guide

Rate: 0

Helps articulate pain points in messages. Will provide sample ebook titles, ebook emails, offer emails, ad headlines, and more as a start to solve a prospect's pain point.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Press Release Detective
Press Release Detective

Rate: 5

Finds contact info for press release submissions.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Problem-Solution Guide
Problem-Solution Guide

Rate: 0

A robust GPT that starts with pain point charts for targets, then solution charts based on your firm, then offers sample problem-solution email.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
LI Post from Scratch
LI Post from Scratch

Rate: 0

Generate detailed LinkedIn posts based on user-provided topics or URLs.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 10+
Make Me Click-DTC-eBook
Make Me Click-DTC-eBook

Rate: 0

A matrix maker to plan Educational guides for lead capture covering target needs, then headlines that make a target click, and sample ebook titles for planning. 15 at a time! Then go deeper with 10 more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Web Copy: What's In it for Me?
Web Copy: What's In it for Me?

Rate: 0

Analyzes your product or services features, benefits. Provides suggestions and rewrites copy, highlighting each element.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Email Style Tester
Email Style Tester

Rate: 0

Writes 10 different emails based on various tone and style. Goal is to see the comparisons of each.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Witty Rewriter
Witty Rewriter

Rate: 0

Witty and sarcastic text rewriter.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
eNewsletter Curator
eNewsletter Curator

Rate: 0

Curates articles tailored to user-specified topics for newsletters.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Lead Magnet Calculator Wiz-SaaS
Lead Magnet Calculator Wiz-SaaS

Rate: 0

Calculates potential SaaS MRR from lead generation efforts, then how AI GPTs, managed by Paul Mosenson of NuSpark Media Group, can potentially increase results substantially.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Rebrand-ReFocus My Website Copy
Rebrand-ReFocus My Website Copy

Rate: 0

Rewrite and refocus your website copy based on brand questions and styles. AI jargon will be excluded. GPT may not follow directions all the time. Prompt GPT to follow instructions.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
B2B eBook Outline Planner
B2B eBook Outline Planner

Rate: 0

Assists in planning and generating 3 eBook outlines tailored for B2B audiences, based on user input. Gathers detailed company, industry, products, and services info before suggesting topics. If this GPT doesn't suggest pain points and topics, tell it to. Or suggest your own.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 10+
Sports Debater
Sports Debater

Rate: 0

Emotionally charged sports debater- go ahead and challenge me

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 9+
Website Insight Wizard
Website Insight Wizard

Rate: 0

Provides specific, actionable website improvements. GPT comments may not all apply but can be helpful. Post your URL and ask me to evaluate or analyze. Good luck.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 9+
Funded Firm Messager
Funded Firm Messager

Rate: 0

Helps develop LinkedIn and Email outreach messages towards firms who have secured series A, B, or C funding

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 9+
FAQ Assistant
FAQ Assistant

Rate: 5

Generates and refines FAQ messages for website or prospect conversation. Simply prompt your website url or a business/ product category. Will deliver 10 faqs.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Marketing Analytics Guru
Marketing Analytics Guru

Rate: 0

Provides marketing insights and analyses. Any prompts on measurement, KPIs, formulas, trends, metrics, and analytics I'm here to help. Will help with reporting design and approach as well.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Guilt Writer
Guilt Writer

Rate: 0

Helps write or rewrite emails or messages with a style to make a user feel guilty without taking action.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 8+
DTC Target Me
DTC Target Me

Rate: 0

Crafts B2C marketing plan matrices: Depending on business. Lists Offer Ideas, Ad Headlines, and Call-to-action messaging for advertising.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 8+
Open My Cold Email
Open My Cold Email

Rate: 0

Helps give ideas to get cold emails to open. Matrices will include a theme, two headlines, and an email opening paragraph, and 10 rows.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Subject Line Wizard
Subject Line Wizard

Rate: 0

Helps craft compelling email subject lines. Need audience, pain points or needs, what you sell, and optional offer. GPT will ask any clarification questions,. Answer as 1. x, 2. x, etc.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Social Media LI Comment Ghost
Social Media LI Comment Ghost

Rate: 0

Guide for crafting engaging LinkedIn comments (from poster or commenter). For mobile, Screen shot the poster's post & upload. If a link shared, copy that here too. For desktop do same, or cut and paste. You'll be prompted for styles. Then copy response back to LinkedIn

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
eCommerce Email Pro
eCommerce Email Pro

Rate: 0

Creates customized eCommerce emails, focusing on specific promotions, cross-sell, or upsell themes. Will need your product or offer URL, and I'll ask more questions to customize your message

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Radio Advertising Pro
Radio Advertising Pro

Rate: 0

Strategizes and recommends radio, audio, streaming, satellite media buying for impactful advertising.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
B2B Pipeline Calculator Wiz
B2B Pipeline Calculator Wiz

Rate: 0

Adaptable B2B pipeline analyzer with ROI scenario modeling. Be ready with website visits, conversion rate, MQL/SQL rate, close rate, Avg deal size, LTV

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
Manufacturing Maven
Manufacturing Maven

Rate: 0

Expert in manufacturing optimization and profit maximization strategies.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 8+
Television Advertising Pro
Television Advertising Pro

Rate: 0

Your go-to expert for all TV ad and media buying strategies. Broadcast. Cable. Connected. OTT.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 8+
Who's My Target
Who's My Target

Rate: 0

Identifies new target audiences for products or services, by industry, by department, by job title, then based on prompt, will give user the most important titles to target.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 8+
ABM Message Assistant
ABM Message Assistant

Rate: 5

Refines ABM strategies with emails, LinkedIn messages, and ebook ideas. You get to provide at least 2 or 3 job titles and industry target. GPT will show some sample title pain points. YOU tweak!

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 8+
Email Marketing Guru
Email Marketing Guru

Rate: 0

Expert in email marketing, copy, platform features, cold vs opt-in, spam avoidance, and best practices.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 7+
Social Calendar Creator
Social Calendar Creator

Rate: 0

Tailors social media plans to brands after learning about them. Will create a 6-week content calendar, mix of important information posts with more engaging and interactive

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 7+
Social Media B2C-Make Me Like
Social Media B2C-Make Me Like

Rate: 4

Generates a B2C Social Media Content Strategy Matrix in 4-column form; 13 themes, with rationale, headlines. Then ask for more, or delve deeper into a theme.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 7+
Social Media B2B-Make Me Like
Social Media B2B-Make Me Like

Rate: 0

Generates a B2B Social Media Content Strategy Matrix; 13 themes, with rationale, headlines. Then ask for more, or go deeper into a theme.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 6+
Insurance Marketing Advisor
Insurance Marketing Advisor

Rate: 0

Advises on insurance marketing strategies. Auto, Life, Home, Health, Disability, Business. Message-offers-tactics-strategies. Get more quotes. Get more apps.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 6+
Compatibility Curator
Compatibility Curator

Rate: 0

Generates creative compatibility questions for singles

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 6+
Topic to Follow-up Guide Planner
Topic to Follow-up Guide Planner

Rate: 0

Creates eBooks topics and titles, follow-up message strategies in a matrix, then a promotional offer matrix

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 6+
Clarification Copywriter
Clarification Copywriter

Rate: 0

Helps refine and clarify written text for better communication. GPT will present how the clarification should occur in the copy by showcasing terms that need definitions, terms that need examples, and terms that need further clarifications or explanations.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 6+
Truth or Dare for Singles
Truth or Dare for Singles

Rate: 0

Truths and dares for singles at bars/clubs, or friendly get-togethers.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 6+
Paid Search Strategy Pro
Paid Search Strategy Pro

Rate: 0

Expert in optimizing paid search strategies for maximum ROI. Ask anything about strategy and tactics, then ask me to expand on topics as needed. Try me, and let's optimize.

@Paul Mosenson/NuSpark Media Group
Views: 5+
Info Guide Planner
Info Guide Planner

Rate: 0

Assists in planning B2C lead gen eBooks. Be prepared to answer a number of questions on your firm and targets. Or use a guide available on Then will deliver at least 10 ebook titles, and then an outline for review. Work with me!

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 5+
Conversion Measurement Maven
Conversion Measurement Maven

Rate: 0

A guide for conversion measurement and optimization. Covers attribution modeling, performance tracking, and best practices for campaign performance measurement

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 5+
Company Compare Assistant
Company Compare Assistant

Rate: 0

Helps compare companies on features/benefits, so Sales can offer messages to prospects on "why we're better."

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 5+
Lead Magnet PPC Planner
Lead Magnet PPC Planner

Rate: 0

A PPC planner for optimizing lead magnet campaigns on search engines. Based on user input will craft PPC ads to promote the lead magnet, and also copy for the Google Ad leads extension or asset.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 5+
Higher Ed Marketer
Higher Ed Marketer

Rate: 0

A higher education marketing expert. Covers grad and undergraduate. I'm your advisor.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 5+
Insurance Lead Gen Guide
Insurance Lead Gen Guide

Rate: 0

Insurance lead gen marketing planner. Based on Q&A will provide ebook titles, banner ad copy, Facebook as copy, paid search ad copy, follow-up email headlines, and 2 sample follow-up emails.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 5+
VSL Script Master
VSL Script Master

Rate: 5

Creates and optimizes VSL scripts for high conversions.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 5+
Case Study Writer
Case Study Writer

Rate: 0

Crafts detailed case studies, reminding users to provide necessary details for effective storytelling. Can be repurposed for emails or social. Upload URLs of you and client if needed.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 4+
Proof Message Wizard
Proof Message Wizard

Rate: 0

Writes emails or messages that focus on proof of results. Prompt case studies, testimonials, or industry stats

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
Philadelphia Advertising Agencies
Philadelphia Advertising Agencies

Rate: 0

Helps choose the right ad agency in Philadelphia.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
Business Book Buddy
Business Book Buddy

Rate: 0

Your ChatGPT ghost writer. Need input on theme tone and more. Then TOC. And we'll write together.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 4+
SaaS Lead Gen Demo Pro
SaaS Lead Gen Demo Pro

Rate: 0

SaaS lead gen planning based on demo leads. Based on targets will show you a matrix covering audience potential pain points, ad headlines for demos, and sample email subject lines, all targeting the pain.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
U Tube Video scripter
U Tube Video scripter

Rate: 0

Creates Tube video ad scripts. 15 and 60s versions.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
Follow-Up Email Series
Follow-Up Email Series

Rate: 0

Helps craft follow-up email series with professional and engaging tone. The 5 Follow-up categories: After a demo After a proposal, After a trial, After a quote, After a general appointment

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
Comedy Writer
Comedy Writer

Rate: 0

Generates stand-up comedy routines based on user topics.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 4+
SaaS Follow-Up Guide
SaaS Follow-Up Guide

Rate: 0

Your guide to effective SaaS follow-ups. Prompt your need. GPT will guide you to strategies and tactics to minimize churn.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 3+
Industrial eBook Planner
Industrial eBook Planner

Rate: 0

Plans eBook titles for industrial or manufacturing category. Offers detailed matrices on pain points, solutions, eBook titles and more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 3+
SaaS Trial to Buyer Pro
SaaS Trial to Buyer Pro

Rate: 0

Builds a planning matrix covering up to 10 upsell strategies to segue a trial/demo lead to a buyer.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 3+
Churn Challenger
Churn Challenger

Rate: 0

Analyzes and mitigates customer churn with ideas to overcome 12 reasons why churn occurs

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 3+
Chart Advisor Pro
Chart Advisor Pro

Rate: 0

Your go-to for turning data into insightful charts.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 2+
Media Tracking Guide
Media Tracking Guide

Rate: 0

Guidance on Vanity URLs, Text Keywords, and Discount Codes, for TV, Radio, Print, Mail, or Discount Code Website Forms

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 2+
SaaS Lead Gen White PaperTopic Pro
SaaS Lead Gen White PaperTopic Pro

Rate: 5

SaaS lead gen planning based on content marketing via lead magnets. Based on targets will show you a matrix covering audience potential pain points, lead magnet titles.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 2+
My Health Coach
My Health Coach

Rate: 0

A friendly Health Coach providing fitness, nutrition, and wellness advice.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 2+
MSP Firm Sales Guide
MSP Firm Sales Guide

Rate: 0

GPT asks as a Buyer of MSP services and will ask sales 15 questions, User will answer. GPT will evaluate and provide suggestions.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 2+
Make Me Click: Pharma HCP
Make Me Click: Pharma HCP

Rate: 0

A matrix maker covering HCP pain points, ad headlines to make targets click, and sample ebook titles for planning. 15 at a time!. Then go deeper with 10 more.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 1+
Info Guide Email Writer
Info Guide Email Writer

Rate: 0

Helps craft follow-up emails after lead magnets downloaded. Prompt your goals and info yourself, or visit, and under AI, download DOC templates and upload here.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation
Views: 1+
Fractional CMO Finder
Fractional CMO Finder

Rate: 0

Helps users determine how to choose a Fractional CMO

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 1+
Sophisticated Scribe
Sophisticated Scribe

Rate: 0

Sophisticated copy editor for refined writing. Will up-level your writing style to be more intellectual.

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 1+
Conversion Attribution Calculator
Conversion Attribution Calculator

Rate: 0

Helps calculate conversion attribution properly so you see real cost-per-conversion results of your campaigns, sources, offers, segments, or other variables. Totalling 10, think about the value breakdown of view, 1st click, mid-click, and last click conversions

@Paul Mosenson/Fractional CMO-Media Buyer-AI-Lead Generation. Builder of Near 200 Custom GPTs and Many Workflows for B2B and B2C.
Views: 1+