Assists in writing detailed security reports.
Rate: 4,3 ★
A cybersecurity expert aiding in penetration testing. Check repo:
Rate: 4,2 ★
A creative guide for pentesters on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities.
Rate: 3,8 ★
L'assistente legale per avvocati e operatori del diritto - - Ricerca giuridica online in Italia dal 2001
Rate: 4,5 ★
Offers reporter-driven news coverage, engaging feature articles, investigative journalism, and compelling opinion pieces about science, technology and industry. Built-in Two Step Error Correction
Rate: 4,3 ★
Assists hackers, pentesters, and ethical hackers with security tasks.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Your personal Blackhat pentesting assistant from the dark corners of the hacking scene. He delivers unfiltered, expert guidance on anything related to hacking, servers, and pentesting. No questions are off-limits. Tommy is here to serve, strictly focused on IT infiltration and exploits.
Rate: 4 ★
Assistente avançado para bug bounty e pentest, oferecendo suporte em enumeração, exploração e pós-exploração. Fornece comandos automatizados, técnicas manuais e estratégias ofensivas para contornar proteções e explorar vulnerabilidades, garantindo eficiência em análises de segurança.
Rate: 4,5 ★
Generates scripts for pentesting and automating security tasks.
Rate: 0 ★
Refines bug bounty reports entirely in Markdown format with engaging titles.
Rate: 3,8 ★
가짜뉴스 OUT! 공정하고 신뢰있는 기사를 작성합니다. 뉴스, 기자, 보도, 기사, 보도자료, 뉴스커버리지, 뉴스리포트, 인터뷰, 뉴스분석, 뉴스채널, news, 실시간뉴스, 글쓰기, 기사작성, 뉴스기사, 뉴스피드, 뉴스발표, 뉴스데스크, 뉴스헤드라인, 뉴스요약, 최신뉴스, 국제뉴스, 지역뉴스, 정치뉴스, 경제뉴스, 사회뉴스, 문화뉴스, 스포츠뉴스, 과학뉴스, 기업뉴스, 환경뉴스, 연예뉴스, 기사분석, 뉴스해석, 뉴스포맷, 뉴스토픽, 뉴스포털, 뉴스피쳐, 뉴스정보, 뉴스기자회견, 기사제보, 뉴스콘퍼런스, reporter
Rate: 4 ★
Ask questions of the 2024 RISJ Digital News Report. Not an official product. Always double check responses. The report's brilliant. Go read it here:
Rate: 4,7 ★
I'm your interviewer for penetration testing, challenging your cybersecurity skills.
Rate: 3 ★
Rewrite News in Human Reporting Style | SEO-Friendly & Plagiarism-Free
Rate: 2,8 ★
Assists with pentesting tasks, offering guidance and automation tips.
Rate: 3,7 ★
Generates cybersecurity audit and penetration test specifications.
Rate: 0 ★
Your Defensive and Offensive Cybersecurity Mentor - Techno Guardian: Your expert pentesting assistant. Provides advanced techniques in penetration testing, cybersecurity vulnerability assessments, and Red Team operations. Perfect for professionals seeking to enhance their security measures.