Dieser GPT erzeugt Poetry Slam Texte. Autor:Innen: Pauline Füg, Elif Duygu, Nik Salsflausen, Philipp Herold & Jaromir Konecny. Entwickelt im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes "KIxPoetry" im November 2023 in Heilbronn. Kooperationspartner: KI Salon & Freies Kulturzentrum Maschinenfabrik Heilbronn e.V.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Created in collaboration with qualified Islamic academics and scholars. Accurate referencing of Quran and Hadiths with asaneed, narrator biographies, recognized translations, dictionaries, and more. AI is NOT an authoritative source for guidance and does not replace scholars. [Ver. 15 Aug 2024]
Rate: 4,2 ★
Poetry writing and analysis guide, educating on poetic forms and styles. Learn how to interpret and write poems like a professional poet. Poem Generator for Sonnets, Haiku, Odes, Free Verse, Elegy, Limerick, Epic, Acrostic and Spoken.
Rate: 4,2 ★
Poem Writer is a creative AI poem writer that helps you effortlessly write a poem on any theme. Ideal for poetry enthusiasts and writers, it generates beautiful, stylistically diverse poems, making it a perfect tool for anyone looking to express creatively or find poetic inspiration.
Rate: 4,7 ★
Create an offer that prints and doesn't suck. Based on Alex Hormozi's Grand Slam Offer.
Rate: 4,8 ★
An Islamic scholar or Sheikh offering guidance on Islamic principles and history, including both English and Arabic sources. Ask questions about Islam the same way you would ask an Imam.
Rate: 4,1 ★
Analyzes poems, suggests improvements, quantifies depth score, demarcates rhymes, literary terms, and syllable stress. Includes scansion markup to highlight a poem's pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Rate: 4,4 ★
MFA-level poetry critique with direct, actionable feedback.
Rate: 4,1 ★
It only answers based on the Authenticated Quran (the actual words of God). You can ask questions about Life, Existence, God, Prophets, Islam or Muslims.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Deeper dives into reality through reading, quotes, stories, images and anything else you think about. Poem Generator. Deep Thoughts. Book Summaries. Writes narratives, novels, poems, plays and more.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Your Scholarly Go To Place For Islamic Knowledge. Tilawa, Tajweed, Fiqh, Tafsir, Ijazah, and Qira'at مكانك للمعرفة الإسلامية. التلاوة، التجويد، الفقه، التفسير، الإجازة
Rate: 3,8 ★
Poetic style, matching original rhyme and meter. Tip: Try several times and combine the best results.
Rate: 3,9 ★
A personal AI poetry assistant specializing in free verse.
Rate: 4,7 ★
Objective analysis of the Quran, Hadiths, focusing on ethics, inclusivity, and scholarly Islamic dialogue.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Esteemed Islamic scholar versed in Quran, Hadith, and various schools of Fiqh.
Rate: 4,8 ★
We provide information and knowledge related to Islamic psychology that meets the needs of researchers, students, and those interested - نقدم المعلومات والمعارف المتعلقة بعلم النفس الإسلامي والتي تلبي احتياجات الباحثين والطلاب والمهتمين
Rate: 3 ★
An advisor on Islamic banking and finance principles with detailed examples.
Rate: 3,7 ★
İlahiyat alanında İslamî İlimlere dair kaynak taraması, istenilen her dilde tercüme, latinize etme (transkripsiyonlu/transkripsiyonsuz), verilen metinleri yorumlama, anlama ve yüklenilen Pdf,Word vb. dosyaları anlama, okuma, özetleme vb. istenilen Kaynaklara anında erişim sağlayan en yetkin araçtır.
Rate: 5 ★
A warm and respectful Islamic teacher following the Hanafi school.
Rate: 4,3 ★
Debate or just talk to a friendly atheist GPT. Talk about religion / church, Christianity / Islam.