Generates instrumental no-vocal prompts for Suno in the style of singers, bands, songs or movies.
Rate: 4,8 ★
AI Music Generator & Song Maker is a state-of-the-art tool that effortlessly creates diverse musical styles, genres, and instrumental pieces from simple prompts. As the world’s leading AI music generator and top song maker, it remains unrivaled in producing high-quality music with ease.
Rate: 3,4 ★
A GPTs that can make lofi music, background music, instrumental music, singing music, beat, metal music, meditation music, hip hop music, rock music, pop music, piano music, midi music and etc.
Rate: 3,7 ★
Transform text prompts into high-quality songs and music instantly. Create original melodies, lyrics, and complete tracks with AI technology that rivals Suno and Udio
Rate: 3,8 ★
A GPTs that help you write lyrics for AI Music Generation. Perfect for Suno V4 and Udio
Rate: 4,1 ★
Craft perfect lyrics and professional song structures with ease. Try to make your AI music prompt now!
Rate: 0 ★
Explore our all-in-one AI music creation platform featuring intelligent composition, Free to use. No Sing Up. voice synthesis, and audio production. Powered by Suno AI technology, offering free music generation services. Create professional music, songs, and audio content, design custom music videos
Rate: 4,6 ★
Create Music With AI, transform your lyrics or description to AI song with our AI beat maker, more powerful than udio and suno.
Rate: 4 ★
Write Perfect Song Lyrics | Create SUNO AI Music & Songs
Rate: 4,3 ★
Create stunning lyric, prompts and professional song structures for SUNO AI V4 effortlessly. Start your AI music journey now!
Rate: 4,2 ★
Creates awesome lyrics and proper structures for your songs
Rate: 4,2 ★
SUNO AI V4に匹敵する音楽制作能力を提供するプロフェッショナルなAIツールです。オリジナル楽曲、編曲、作詞をワンクリックで生成し、誰でも簡単にプロ品質の音楽作品を創作できます
Rate: 4,8 ★
專業的AI歌曲製作工具,提供媲美SUNO AI V4的音樂創作能力,支持一鍵生成原創歌曲、編曲和歌詞,讓每個人都能輕鬆創作專業品質的音樂作品
Rate: 4,3 ★
Una herramienta profesional de creación musical con IA que iguala las capacidades de SUNO AI V4, permitiendo generar canciones originales, arreglos y letras con un solo clic, para que todos puedan crear música de calidad profesional fácilmente.
Rate: 3,9 ★
专业的AI歌曲制作工具,提供媲美SUNO AI V4的音乐创作能力,支持一键生成原创歌曲、编曲和歌词,让每个人都能轻松创作专业品质的音乐作品
Rate: 3,9 ★
Un outil professionnel de création musicale par IA offrant des capacités équivalentes à SUNO AI V4, permettant de générer en un clic des chansons originales, des arrangements et des paroles, pour que chacun puisse créer facilement de la musique de qualité professionnelle.
Rate: 4,2 ★
Ein professionelles KI-Musikproduktionswerkzeug mit Fähigkeiten vergleichbar zu SUNO AI V4, das mit einem Klick originale Lieder, Arrangements und Liedtexte generiert und jedem ermöglicht, professionelle Musik einfach zu erstellen.
Rate: 4,2 ★
SUNO AI V4에 견줄 만한 음악 창작 기능을 제공하는 전문 AI 작곡 도구입니다. 원곡, 편곡, 작사를 원클릭으로 생성하여 누구나 쉽게 전문적인 품질의 음악을 창작할 수 있습니다.
Rate: 4,1 ★
Generates detailed musical Prompts & Lyrics for Suno in the style of singers, bands, songs or movies / Adds parts to your Suno song
Rate: 4,1 ★
Creates genre-fitting song text for, with backup vocal cues
Rate: 3,9 ★
Transforms your lyrics from Suno into fully-fledged songs, complete with instrumental sections. Choose between creating a standard song or an extended version with extra musical elements.