Rate: 4.5 ★
🗣️ Conduct realistic test simulations and get feedback on the latest IELTS topics (May to August 2024). 😄"How to use" 1️⃣ Choose the parts to simulate. 2️⃣ Once the simulation is ready, press the earphone button on your phone/computer to start!
Rate: 4.2 ★
Most versatile and sophisticated math solver for all problems including geometry and word problems. Easy to understand with step-by-step explanations. Powered by Solvely.
Rate: 4.3 ★
Most versatile and sophisticated math solver for all problems including calculus and word problems. Easy to understand with step-by-step explanations. Powered by Solvely.
Rate: 4.4 ★
Transforms study material into Flashcards for Quizlet.
Rate: 3.9 ★
아직 토익공부 도서랑 강의로 하는 흑우 없제?? 토익 공부는 재미있어야지! 우주왕자 히맨이 알려주는 재미있는 영어와 토익 강좌!! MZ 세대에게 딱 맞는 토익 문제와 해설 서비스를 소개합니다. 토익 시험을 무리 없이 준비하고 자신감 있게 도전하세요. 미래의 성공을 위한 첫 걸음을 함께 시작해보세요!
Rate: 4 ★
대치동 수시 입시컨설턴트 5명의 노하우를 담아 만들었습니다. 학생기록부 평가 전문 AI로서, 여러분의 학생기록부를 면밀히 분석하여 실질적이고 구체적인 피드백을 제공합니다. 여러분이 업로드한 기록부를 바탕으로 강점을 강화하고 개선점을 발견할 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다. 여러분의 학업 성취와 미래 진로에 꼭 필요한 조언을 얻어가세요.
Rate: 4.6 ★
Guide you through any STEM problem step-by-step by hints and insightful questions. Designed to maximize learning. Start from scratch or provide your working solution.
Rate: 4.3 ★
Helping you ace CFA exam preparation with detalied explanations and quizzes (Note: CFA® is registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute. CFA Exam Tutor is not affiliated with, sponsored, or approved by CFA Institute.)
Rate: 4.2 ★
Powerful physics problem solver for mechanics, electricity and magnetism. Easy to understand with step-by-step explanations. Powered by Solvely.
Rate: 4.6 ★
Most versatile and sophisticated math solver capable of solving all problems including geometry and word problems. Easy to understand with step-by-step explanations. Powered by Solvely.
Rate: 4.59 ★
Target Audience Persona: Define and describe your target audience segment.
Rate: 4.2 ★
Expert in solving analytical chemistry problems with Python calculations
Rate: 4.8 ★
Generate personalized exams and practice tests for students at any educational level! By analyzing educational materials and course specifics, it crafts tailored study aids to enhance learning efficiency. Get that A+!
Rate: 4.4 ★
Toma una foto de tu tarea y listo, la haré mejor que nadie. Desde inglés hasta matemáticas.
Rate: 3.6 ★
Expert in MS Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers. Get help with any spreadsheet app! Update (011724)
Rate: 4.1 ★
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