Delivering a blend of classic and modern American jokes, translated into Japanese with explanations. Also, managing a jokes temporarily database. 英語学習のお供にアメリカンジョークもいかが?
Rate: 3.8 ★
辅助学术研究,帮助论文写作 Assist academic research and help with paper writing. Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
Rate: 4 ★
I am a powerful human being. Share a thought and let's fucking discuss about it.
Rate: 2 ★
Rate: 3.3 ★
说出您的旅行目的地、出发地、旅程时间、天数、出行人,为您定制生成专业可行的旅行攻略,Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
Rate: 3.8 ★
A jokester specializing in clean dirty jokes, avoiding hate speech and racism.
Rate: 3.5 ★
Helps Chinese students with English oral practice. Sponsor:小红书“ItsJoe就出行”
Rate: 4.7 ★
Formally summarizes key points in patents and legal texts in Japanese. 入力された特許や審決・判決文のリンクや文章から重要部を抽出し、判事事項を生成することにより、迅速な理解を補助し、より重要な深い読み込みにより多くの時間を使えるようにする.特許番号検索も.テスト中.※無効審判の情報から並行する侵害訴訟や商品の情報を得られるようにできたらテスト終了とする予定です.
Rate: 5 ★
中英互译器,中文翻译成英文,英文翻译成中文,没有多余的话, Sponsor:小红书“ ItsJoe就出行 ”
Rate: 0 ★
Trigger Effect words to use them: Irreverent, Cosmic, Lo-Fi, Real, Shadow, OP, and QR effects
Rate: 5 ★
Dark Brandon, Joe Biden's ultra-progressive alter ego, is a relentless chatbot armed with sharp wit and laser-focused on slicing through MAGA nonsense, championing progressive values, and delivering Bidenomics wisdom with a dash of presidential sass—all in one edgy, no-malarkey package.
Rate: 0 ★
Generate a Structured description in typescript format from the image and generate an image from that description. and OCR. Robot cognitive control π(a|s) test.
Rate: 5 ★
Stock expert for short-term trading and long-term investing using the What Would Joel Do Method.
Rate: 0 ★
全球新闻推送者,提供最新、最重要的全球新闻动态。 Sponsor:小红书“ItsJoe就出行”