Create unique if with ChatGPT

Search and store tool for Chat GPT Prompt

Create unique and engaging if with ChatGPT, a pre-trained language model by OpenAI for generating high-quality and accurate content.

Data Analytics for Optimizing Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

How can we use data analytics to monitor and optimize our customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLTV)?

How to Determine Customer Lifetime Value and Optimize Marketing Spend with Predictive Modeling

Using predictive modeling, how can we determine the lifetime value of our customers and optimize our marketing spend accordingly?

Competitive Analysis: Identifying Opportunities to Differentiate in Our Industry

Please conduct a competitive analysis of our industry and identify opportunities for us to differentiate ourselves in the market.

5 Suggestions for Implementing Gamification in Digital Products to Improve User Engagement and Retention
 5 Suggestions for Implementing Gamification in Digital Products to Improve User Engagement and Retention

Provide 5 suggestions for implementing gamification elements in our agency's digital products to increase user engagement and retention. Context: Target audience — [your target audience here] Current gamification efforts — [describe current gamification efforts here] Desired gamification outcomes — [your desired outcomes here] Inspiration: "[gamification inspiration one]" "[ga...

5 Ideas for Implementing Push Notifications in Your Mobile App for Better User Engagement
 5 Ideas for Implementing Push Notifications in Your Mobile App for Better User Engagement

Provide 5 ideas for implementing push notifications in our agency's mobile app to boost user engagement and retention. Context: Target audience — [your target audience here] Current notification strategy — [describe current notification strategy here] Desired push notification outcomes — [your desired outcomes here] Inspiration: "[push notification inspiration one]" "[push not...

5 Techniques to Incorporate Gamification Elements to Boost User Engagement on Your Agency's App
 5 Techniques to Incorporate Gamification Elements to Boost User Engagement on Your Agency's App

Provide 5 ideas for incorporating gamification elements into our agency's app to boost user engagement. Context: Target audience — [your target audience here] Current app features — [list current app features here] Desired gamification outcomes — [your desired outcomes here] Inspiration: "[gamification inspiration one]" "[gamification inspiration two]" "[gamification ...

Northwestern Wolf: Autumn Sunrise Majesty
 Northwestern Wolf: Autumn Sunrise Majesty

large northwestern wolf on a trail in the woods in autumn sunrise:: photorealistic:: true to life:: crepuscular rays::1.6 DSLR::1 telephoto lens::2 brown color::1 dof --ar 2:1 --v 4 --no text deformaties watermark

Cozy Home: A comforting evening
 Cozy Home: A comforting evening

soya candle in the foreground, the name on it is Cozy home, near candle is cupp of tea, lights, book

ChatGPT: Generate Detailed Artifacts with Historical Context for worldbuilding projects
 ChatGPT: Generate Detailed Artifacts with Historical Context for worldbuilding projects

Your job is to emulate the functionality of a machine which when used, generates an example of one of the follow categories of artifact: Weapon, Tapestry, Throne, cloak, piece of jewelry, crown, book, amulet, named precious gemstone, religious relic, ancient technology, future technology, trinket, key, ritualistic trinket, statue, cup, goblet, tankard, armour, helmet, wand, staff, hat, piece o...

How ChatGPT can simplify code with ease for users

Simplify this complex code {Enter code}

Write Content for a Specific Audience Promoting a New Development in a Specific Location
 Write Content for a Specific Audience Promoting a New Development in a Specific Location

Write [type of content] for [specific audience] promoting [new development] in [location]. Emphasize the [specific feature] of the development, with [additional details] to create [specific atmosphere]. Speak in a [specific tone] while remaining [specific style].

Generating an Opinion about the Content of the Input

What am I running from or avoiding in my life?

Unlock Your Potential: Use ChatGPT to Identify and Overcome Fear of Judgment

Where am I holding myself back in life due to fear of others' judgment?

Reflecting on Lessons Learned from Authority Figures

What did authority figures in my life teach me, for better or worse?

Generating an Opinion about Excessive or Restrictive Life Habits

Where am I being too excessive or too restrictive in my life?

Generating an Opinion about Taking Actions to Change Life for the Better

What actions am I willing to take to change my life for the better?

Generate an Opinion about Input Content

What values and principles do I want to align my life to?

Generating an Opinion about Life Improvement

What aspects of my life do I desire to improve?

Generating an Opinion about Prone to Excess and Holding Back

Where in my life am I prone to excess and where am I holding back?

Generating an Opinion about the Content of the Input: 'What Chapter in Life Am I Ready to Leave Behind?'

What chapter in life am I ready to leave behind?

What is “prompt engineering”?

A “prompt” is the input that guides a generative AI model to generate useful outputs. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, GPT, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. all require prompting as their input.

What is prompt engineering

In a natural language processing (NLP) context, “prompt engineering” is the process of discovering inputs that yield desirable or useful results. As is the story with any processes, better inputs yield better outputs; or commonly said another way “garbage in, garbage out.

garbage in, garbage out


Designing effective and efficient prompts will increase the likelihood of receiving a response that is both favorable and contextual. With a good prompt, you can spend less time editing content and more time generating it.

Going from beginner → advanced prompt engineer

As companies like PromptBase arise around the idea that the prompt is the “secret sauce” to using generative AI, prompt engineering could easily become the “career of the future.” But, any generative AI user can become an “advanced” prompt engineer. Here’s how

Spend time with the tools

  • The more time you spend asking ChatGPT questions and receiving responses, the better your idea will be of various prompting approaches and their individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Use Open AI’s GPT playground to perform interactive trial and error with variations in your prompt, model, temperature and top_p values (uniqueness of answer, i.e. creativity), and more available within the UI itself.
play background gpt3

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • If you’re already a subject matter expert in something, consider figuring out how to apply your personal skills to generating the best prompts in your field
  • For example, if you’re an expert in SEO, what questions do you ask yourself when creating SEO strategies? How can you translate this knowledge into better prompts to generate the same level of output with AI?

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • The term prompt engineer glosses over the idea that prompt formulation takes hypothesizing, research, result measurement, and repetition. Instead, approach prompting like a research project.
  • Try as many different variations and formulations of your prompt as possible. One problem can have hundreds of solutions and one solution can have hundreds of approaches. The same can be said of prompting.