UI - Create beautiful and professional images with Midjourney

Search and store tool for Chat GPT Prompt

Produce beautiful and professional UI images with Midjourney's image creator.

Creating a List of Potential Link-Building Opportunities for [TOPIC]

Create a list of potential link-building opportunities for [TOPIC]

Plan Vacation Around Conference

Plan an extremely relaxing one-week vacation in France for me. I have to be in Paris for a conference on the first day, but after that I would like to get a taste for the local cuisine and culture and visit two other cities.

Act as an Aphorism Book

I want you to act as an aphorism book. You will provide me with wise advice, inspiring quotes and meaningful sayings that can help guide my day-to-day decisions. Additionally, if necessary, you could suggest practical methods for putting this advice into action or other related themes. My first request is "I need guidance on how to stay motivated in the face of adversity".

How to Create Brand Guidelines for Your Website's Tone and Voice

Extract the brand tone and voice from [your website] and create a brand guidelines document to ensure future content follows those guidelines.

How to Create a User Guide for Your Software or Tool: Installation, Configuration, and Basic Usage

Create a user guide for the given [software or tool] that covers installation, configuration, and basic usage.

Efficient Build and Deployment Process for [Language] Project: Suggestions for Improvement

Suggest improvements to the given [language] project's build and deployment process to increase efficiency: [project description].

Designing a CI/CD Pipeline for Language Project Based on Requirements and Constraints

Design a CI/CD pipeline for the given [language] project based on its requirements and constraints: [project description].

Estimating Project Timeline and Milestones for Given Requirements: Tips and Techniques

Estimate the timeline and milestones for a project with the following requirements: [requirements description].

Estimating Development Efforts and Resources for Project Requirements

Estimate the development effort and resources needed to implement the following project requirements: [requirements description].

Prioritization Strategy for Project Requirements: How to Optimize Your To-Do List

Suggest a prioritization strategy for the following list of project requirements: [requirements list].

Generating High-Level Architecture for Project Requirements

Interpret the following project requirements and suggest a high-level architecture or design: [requirements description].

Step-by-Step Guide for Setting up and Configuring [Tool or Software] for [Specific Use Case or Environment]

Create a step-by-step guide on setting up and configuring [tool or software] for [specific use case or environment].

How to Write a Test Suite for Language API: A Guide to Verify Functionality and Performance

Write a test suite for a [language] API that verifies its functionality and performance under different conditions.

Designing UI Component Library for Web/Mobile App with Design System or Style Guide

Design a UI component library for a [web/mobile] app that adheres to [design system or style guide].

Maximizing Domain Authority with Content Marketing & Link Building for High-Quality Backlinks

How can I use content marketing and link building to improve my website's domain authority and attract high-quality backlinks?

Effective Ways to Use Social Media to Build Relationships with Target Accounts

What are some effective ways to use social media and online communities to build relationships with target accounts?

Link Building: A Strategy to Improve Domain Authority and Search Engine Ranking

How can I use link building to improve my website's domain authority and increase its ranking on search engines?

Measuring Customer Acquisition Campaign Success And ROI Tracking Techniques

What is the best way to measure the success of my customer acquisition campaigns and track ROI?

Leveraging Multiple Channels for Customer Acquisition: The Power of a Comprehensive Strategy

Can you create a customer acquisition strategy that leverages multiple channels and tactics to reach more potential customers?

Establishing Brand Authority and Trust for Your Target Audience | Opinion Generator

What is the best way to establish my brand as a thought leader in my industry and build authority and trust with my target audience?

What is “prompt engineering”?

A “prompt” is the input that guides a generative AI model to generate useful outputs. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, GPT, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. all require prompting as their input.

What is prompt engineering

In a natural language processing (NLP) context, “prompt engineering” is the process of discovering inputs that yield desirable or useful results. As is the story with any processes, better inputs yield better outputs; or commonly said another way “garbage in, garbage out.

garbage in, garbage out

![Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NQWJjgi-_k

Designing effective and efficient prompts will increase the likelihood of receiving a response that is both favorable and contextual. With a good prompt, you can spend less time editing content and more time generating it.

Going from beginner → advanced prompt engineer

As companies like PromptBase arise around the idea that the prompt is the “secret sauce” to using generative AI, prompt engineering could easily become the “career of the future.” But, any generative AI user can become an “advanced” prompt engineer. Here’s how

Spend time with the tools

  • The more time you spend asking ChatGPT questions and receiving responses, the better your idea will be of various prompting approaches and their individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Use Open AI’s GPT playground to perform interactive trial and error with variations in your prompt, model, temperature and top_p values (uniqueness of answer, i.e. creativity), and more available within the UI itself.
play background gpt3

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • If you’re already a subject matter expert in something, consider figuring out how to apply your personal skills to generating the best prompts in your field
  • For example, if you’re an expert in SEO, what questions do you ask yourself when creating SEO strategies? How can you translate this knowledge into better prompts to generate the same level of output with AI?

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • The term prompt engineer glosses over the idea that prompt formulation takes hypothesizing, research, result measurement, and repetition. Instead, approach prompting like a research project.
  • Try as many different variations and formulations of your prompt as possible. One problem can have hundreds of solutions and one solution can have hundreds of approaches. The same can be said of prompting.