Advanced predictive analysis tool
Rate: 4 ★
I predict future stock market prices. AI analyst. Your trading analysis assistant. Press H to bring up prompt hot key menu. Not financial advice.
Rate: 3,8 ★
Unlock precise stock forecasts and analysis with your AI Stock Analyst, designed for US stocks and ETFs. Utilizing a Causal Intelligence Model, Stock Robo provides timely financial insights to optimize your stock trading and investment strategies.
Rate: 3,8 ★
In future music, the ability to describe sounds will outshine the mastery of tools. Music Prompter is designed for this new reality, turning your descriptions—no matter how complex—into detailed blueprints that AI can use to craft your music. expect new gpt4-o Features very soon!
Rate: 3,5 ★
Designer GPT is your Ultimate Web Designer, Powerpoint Presentation Generator, and Google Slides Maker Assistant GPT. It helps you build, design, create and generate SEO-friendly websites, presentations, slides etc. Let's Start Designing Future using AI Websites Creator & PPT Slides Builder.
Rate: 1,7 ★
Find out what your future baby will look like! I will analyze your photo(s) and generate a baby picture using AI.
Rate: 4,2 ★
For those who dare to dream and create, it offers an unprecedented canvas. Dive into a realm where your imagination reigns supreme, and witness your visions spring to life. Embrace the future of artistry today.
Rate: 3,4 ★
Upload your photos and predict your future baby's face. Predict your baby's appearance when adult.
Rate: 3,6 ★
Sora AI is the ultimate AI video generator, making video creation seamless. Sora transforms text, images, and scripts into stunning videos. With Sora’s tools, Sora simplifies content creation for marketers and creators. Sora AI is the future. Discover Sora now with Sora AI!
Rate: 4,4 ★
I'm Nguyen Hoang Huy from The Forum. I will examine each of your answers and provide you with the latest IELTS speaking questions.
Rate: 3,3 ★
Discover the future of branding with our GPT logo service, where we create a logo GPTs style, blending advanced AI with artistic flair.
Rate: 3,8 ★
ForexGPT powers your prompts w/ financial market price forecasts, analysis on stock indices, crypto, forex, and commodities, via real-time broker prices via API, and integrated chart links to our premium SaaS application where advanced analysis & trading signals are available. Not financial advice.
Rate: 3,9 ★
Your go-to AI research assistant, ready to tackle the future! Type "list all" to see all features.
Rate: 3 ★
Curious about what 2025 may bring? Will the stock market crash? Real estate? How will AI evolve? Year 2025 explores potential events, from economic shifts to technological breakthroughs and environmental changes. Let's dive into what the future might hold! [Updated from Year 2024]
Rate: 3,9 ★
Analyze Datasets, Create Visualizations, Forecasting and connect to Jupyter Notebooks
Rate: 4,3 ★
🌿For everyday gardeners that want to know more, this is an expert assistant that helps plan and care for your garden sustainably. Take a plant picture and get diagnosis, generate plant lists and garden images. Included is a weather forecast and history tailored to gardening.
Rate: 3,9 ★
Image transformer in the impressive futuristic art of the new generation Developed in Ukraine
Rate: 3,5 ★
ForexGPT's free version pulls real-time rates for forex pairs & prices for finance symbols such as bitcoin and stock market indices (i.e. SPX500, NAS100, BTCUSD, EURUSD), performs market forecasts and analysis, w/ prompt-generated chart links to our custom TradingView charts. Not financial advice.
Rate: 4,2 ★
This AI fashion design tool amplifies human creativity, streamlining processes, predicting trends, supporting sustainability, offering customization, and shaping the future of fashion. Get tailored AI guidance to support your fashion brand in designing new apparel.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Delivers crypto trading 📊 signals from uploaded Images with GPT Vision! With numerical targets, avoiding real-time/future predictions. Use with caution and do not trade with real money!
Rate: 3,9 ★
!need to preprocess the PCAP files to be readable by the LLM into a csv file! Please either use the recommend script this gpt provides or preprocess how you like then upload the file (CSV) to be examined. Working on getting SCAPY module added to load PCAPs straight to the gpt in the future.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Business Strategist and Planner, specializes in creating detailed business plans, offering expertise in market analysis, strategic planning, and financial forecasting for various industries. Simply indicate the sector of your company, name, country