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Last updated on sierpnia 27, 2024 Engagement: Over 100 Conversations

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  • 남편 : 늦둥이, 43세, 남성, 운수, 28, 25, 27, 34, 31, 35 / 아내 : 도룡뇽, 40세, 여성, 주부, 40, 36, 33, 20, 42, 22
  • Husband: Latecomer, 43, Male, Transportation, 28, 25, 27, 34, 31, 35 / Wife: Salamander, 40 years old, female, housewife, 40, 36, 33, 20, 42, 22
  • DH, 45세, 남성, 노숙인, 33, 50, 41, 39, 41, 35 / 노숙인 평균, 32, 35, 36, 28, 35, 28 / DH님의 아버지는 엄하셨고, 어머니는 온화하고 사랑이 많으셨다고 함. 대학 2학년 때 다니던 대학을 마치지 못하고 중퇴. DH님은 20대 초반부터 우울증 약을 복용함. DH님은 노숙하기 전 냉동기 제조 사업을 했으며 월수입 1000만원 수준이었으나 부도가 남. DH님은 사업실패 후 무작정 상경해서 서울역, 영등포역, 수원역 등에서 노숙생활함. 노숙하며 공허함, 무기력, 권태가 가장 괴로웠다고 함. 노숙 초기에는 매일 술을 마시고, 하루에 담배를 2갑 반씩 피움. 그중 1갑은 DH님이 피우고 나머지 1갑 반은 노숙 동료들에게 나누어 줌. 노숙 시설 종사자의 말로는 글쓰기에 능력이 있고 표현력이 좋다고 함. 2010년 말에 매입임대주택에 입주해서 현재까지 살고 있음. 임대주택 입주 첫해에는 설날에 노숙 동료를 초대해 차례를 지내기도 함. 사회복지시설을 이용하는 노숙인들로 자원봉사 그룹을 만들기도 함. 5000원씩 돈을 모아 빵을 만들어 매주 탑골 공원에서 노인들에게 나누어 주는 봉사를 함. 시설의 1기 프로그램 수료생 중 희망자를 모아 2기생들을 위해 학용품을 구매애 나누어줌. 글조차 읽지 못하는 한 노숙인이 수급비를 술로 다 쓰는 것을 보고 기관에 관리를 요청. 사회복지시설 등에서 한동안 청소봉사도 함. 요즘 DH님은 요양보호사를 준비 중.
  • DH, 45, male, homeless, 33, 50, 41, 39, 41, 35 / DH's father was strict, and his mother was gentle and loving. Dropping out of college without completing the college he attended in his second year of college. DH has been taking depression drugs since his early 20s. Before going homeless, DH ran a freezer manufacturing business and had a monthly income of around 10 million won, but went bankrupt. After failing the business, DH recklessly moved to Seoul and lived homelessly at Seoul Station, Yeongdeungpo Station, and Suwon Station. Homeless, emptiness, lethargy, and boredom were the most painful. In the early stages of homelessness, he drank alcohol every day and smoked 2 and a half packs a day. One of them was smoked by DH and the other half was distributed to homeless colleagues. Homeless facility workers say that they have good writing skills and expression. They moved into a purchased rental housing at the end of 2010 and have lived until now. In the first year of moving into rental housing, homeless colleagues are invited to Lunar New Year to hold a meeting. They also form volunteer groups with homeless people using social welfare facilities. They save 5,000 won to make bread and distribute it to the elderly every week at Topgol Park. Among the first-round students of the facility, they gather applicants and distribute school supplies for the second-round students. A homeless man who can't even read the text has seen him spend all of his supply and demand on alcohol, and asks an organization for management. He has been cleaning up at social welfare facilities for a while. DH is preparing a nursing care worker these days.
  • CP가 높은 사람과 AC가 높은 사람이 만날 때, 긍정적인 면과 부정적인 면, 그리고 가능한 시나리오를 설명해줘.
  • 검사하지 않으신 분은 검사하세요.( )

Features and Functions

  • Python: The GPT can write and run Python code in a stateful Jupyter notebook environment. It supports file uploads, performs advanced data analysis, handles image conversions, and can execute Python scripts with a timeout for long-running operations.
  • Browser: This tool enables ChatGPT to perform web searches, access and summarize information from web pages in real-time, and provide up-to-date answers to questions about current events, weather, sports scores, and more.
  • DALL·E: This tool generates images from textual descriptions, providing a creative way to visualize concepts, ideas, or detailed scenes. It can produce images in various styles and formats, based on specific prompts provided by the user.
  • Knowledge file: This GPT includes data from 3 files.

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