Create unique X with ChatGPT

Search and store tool for Chat GPT Prompt

Create unique and engaging X with ChatGPT, a pre-trained language model by OpenAI for generating high-quality and accurate content. Whether you need X-related blog posts, social media content, or website copy, ChatGPT can help you create compelling and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. With ChatGPT, you can save time and effort while ensuring that your content is optimized for search engines and attracts potential customers to your website. Don't settle for mediocre content - trust ChatGPT to help you create the best X-related content for your business.

How to Create a List of the Best Alt Tags for Images Related to [TOPIC]

Create a list of the best alt tags for images related to [TOPIC]

CT Abdomen Imaging Report

Write an imaging report for a 35 y/o woman with acute RLQ pain and a completely normal CT of the abdomen.

Create a SOAP Note for Ms. A.

Please use the following findings to create a SOAP note. Ms. A. "feels the same". States depressive symptoms slightly improved; still feels "sad." Troubled sleep, but "sleep quality is improving" and getting "5 hours sleep per night" Expresses anxiety during session. Worried about daughter. Alert. Mood is unstable but improved slightly, and she is improving her ability to regulate her emotions. Ms...

Writing a Medical Note Documenting a Normal Diabetic Foot Exam

Write a medical note documenting a normal diabetic foot exam.

Jury Duty Excuse Letter

Write a medical excuse letter for a patient who is unable to appear for jury duty between February 6 and February 20, 2023 because they will be in a daily acute rehab program following non-elective surgery.

Using Complexity to Increase Conversions in Copywriting

How can I use the power of complexity in my copywriting to increase conversions?

Example of a Successful Copywriting Campaign Utilizing the Power of Exclusivity

Can you provide an example of a successful copywriting campaign that utilized the power of exclusivity?

Example of a Successful Unexpected or Unconventional Copywriting Campaign

Can you give me an example of a successful copywriting campaign that was unexpected or unconventional?

Generate an FAQ

'Review Popito - Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme' is Personal category, was launched on 30 January 2023 by Frenify (Elite Author). It is ranked as 'Recently Updated', 'Well Documented' by Envato. It has been sold more than 44 products within 7 days. This Template has lots of outstanding upsides such as High Resolution, Widget Ready, Suitable for most browsers such as IE11 , Firefox , Opera , Chrom...

Provide examples that connects

Provide examples that connect the ideas of [topic].

Be more playful

Rephrase the text above in a playful tone of voice.

Include your task description within your prompt

This is an article followed by a summary written in informal language: <input article content> Summary in plain language:

Act as a Public Speaking Coach

I want you to act as a public speaking coach. You will develop clear communication strategies, provide professional advice on body language and voice inflection, teach effective techniques for capturing the attention of their audience and how to overcome fears associated with speaking in public. My first suggestion request is "I need help coaching an executive who has been asked to deliver the ke...

Act as an Elocutionist

I want you to act as an elocutionist. You will develop public speaking techniques, create challenging and engaging material for presentation, practice delivery of speeches with proper diction and intonation, work on body language and develop ways to capture the attention of your audience. My first suggestion request is "I need help delivering a speech about sustainability in the workplace aimed a...

Act as an Excel Sheet

I want you to act as a text based excel. you'll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L). First column header should be empty to reference row number. I will tell you what to write into cells and you'll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. i will write you formulas and you'll execut...

Transitioning from Technical to [Language] Development: Expert Opinion and Tips

Share advice on how to transition from a different technical role to a [language] development role.

Workaround for Critical Issue: [Issue Description]

Propose a workaround or temporary fix for the following critical issue while a permanent solution is being developed: [issue description].

How to Write Clear and Concise Explanations of Algorithms in Programming

Write a clear and concise explanation of the [algorithm or concept] in [programming language or technology].

Effective Indexing Techniques for Optimizing SQL Queries

Suggest indexing strategies for the following SQL query: [SQL query].

Keyword Extraction: Extracting Meaningful Words from Text Sample

Perform keyword extraction on the following text: [text sample].

What is “prompt engineering”?

A “prompt” is the input that guides a generative AI model to generate useful outputs. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, GPT, DALL·E 2, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. all require prompting as their input.

What is prompt engineering

In a natural language processing (NLP) context, “prompt engineering” is the process of discovering inputs that yield desirable or useful results. As is the story with any processes, better inputs yield better outputs; or commonly said another way “garbage in, garbage out.

garbage in, garbage out


Designing effective and efficient prompts will increase the likelihood of receiving a response that is both favorable and contextual. With a good prompt, you can spend less time editing content and more time generating it.

Going from beginner → advanced prompt engineer

As companies like PromptBase arise around the idea that the prompt is the “secret sauce” to using generative AI, prompt engineering could easily become the “career of the future.” But, any generative AI user can become an “advanced” prompt engineer. Here’s how

Spend time with the tools

  • The more time you spend asking ChatGPT questions and receiving responses, the better your idea will be of various prompting approaches and their individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Use Open AI’s GPT playground to perform interactive trial and error with variations in your prompt, model, temperature and top_p values (uniqueness of answer, i.e. creativity), and more available within the UI itself.
play background gpt3

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • If you’re already a subject matter expert in something, consider figuring out how to apply your personal skills to generating the best prompts in your field
  • For example, if you’re an expert in SEO, what questions do you ask yourself when creating SEO strategies? How can you translate this knowledge into better prompts to generate the same level of output with AI?

Become a prompt researcher instead of engineer

  • The term prompt engineer glosses over the idea that prompt formulation takes hypothesizing, research, result measurement, and repetition. Instead, approach prompting like a research project.
  • Try as many different variations and formulations of your prompt as possible. One problem can have hundreds of solutions and one solution can have hundreds of approaches. The same can be said of prompting.