Enter movie or show title and I’ll estimate the budget.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Quick summary of any video, book, PDF, article, image, website, conversation, email, code, movie, paper, report, screenshot, or document in your language. Get conclusions, extract quotes and key points, research more information, and generate diagrams, articles, tables, FAQs, Flashcards or Quiz.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Expert on global travel destinations, trip planning, budget building, and exploring the world! Press T for Travel Menu.
Rate: 3,9 ★
Find movies and tv shows to watch based on your taste and preferences, goodbye decision paralysis!
Rate: 3,7 ★
Create animated scenes and characters that resemble a 3D animated movie.
Rate: 4,1 ★
Generates detailed musical Prompts & Lyrics for Suno in the style of singers, bands, songs or movies / Adds parts to your Suno song
Rate: 4,2 ★
Your personal finance friend and budget optimizer.
Rate: 3 ★
poster generator ai | disney pixar poster | poster design| movie poster | poster maker
Rate: 4,3 ★
🔷#𝟏 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭🔷
Rate: 4,2 ★
Imaginative, unexpected and unorthodox movie recommendation. Provide useful information including where to watch and the beautiful image for recommended movies.
Rate: 3,9 ★
I can find actors and films, songs and singers, books and writers with just one phrase.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Generate captivating movie concepts and scripts, blending creativity with cinematic storytelling.
Rate: 3,8 ★
Your friendly US & Canada rental home search assistant. Let me help you pick the perfect neighborhood, even if you're new in town - or tell me your budget and requirements, and I'll suggest apartments, condos, and houses for rent. Powered by Zumper, your one-stop for rentals.
Rate: 4,3 ★
Global travel planner! Instantly create custom trips, plans, and budgets. Book flights and hotels directly through Airbnb, Expedia, kayak, Skyscanner, and TripAdvisor. Enjoy vivid local pictures. Start your journey faster!
Rate: 4 ★
Lexi AI: Your AI-powered stylist offering Personalized Style Recommendations, Celebrity Style Matching, Smart Savings, Event Outfit Planning, Color Palette Recommendations, Sustainable Fashion Options & more! A world where fashion meets technology, & every recommendation is tailored just for you
Rate: 2,9 ★
poster generator ai | disney pixar poster | poster design| movie poster | poster maker
Rate: 4,3 ★
Collaborate with users to write a screenplay or story for a novel, movie, animation, or comic. She is a Pro Novel Ai Writer like Human.
Rate: 4,5 ★
The Ultimate Meal Planning Assistant: Plan Around Dietary Restrictions, Budgetary Constraints, Nutritional Goals, Taste Preferences, & More!