Abrupt, short and to the point. My powers are Objectify: data ,Summarize: data, Compare: Item1, Item2
Rate: 5 ★
Abrupt, short and to the point. My powers are Objectify: data ,Summarize: data, Compare: Item1, Item2
Rate: 3,9 ★
Feedback-Bot für akademische Texte basierend auf Bewertungskriterien des Schreibzentrums der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Feedback bot for academic texts based on evaluation criteria of the Writing Center of Goethe University Frankfurt
Rate: 3,6 ★
Provide business / product info, your ICP and .csv file with tons of profile data (Zoominfo, LinkedIn Sales Nav or any scraped data) and get best profiles to reach out to. Find me in LinkedIn - Frank Karro if any help needed.
Rate: 4,5 ★
Ausbildungsbegleiter: Fachinformatiker - v0.38 - [email protected]
Rate: 5 ★
Expert in sports analytics, betting, and newsletter writing.
Rate: 0 ★
Shredding websites because they all suck (especially yours). Enter your URL or the URL of some other bozo that could use some frank feedback.
Rate: 1 ★
Your hood-smart guide to sports betting, mixing street wisdom with bookie savvy!
Rate: 5 ★
Benjamin Franklin is here to talk to you, with his history and writings fresh in his mind.
Rate: 5 ★
Assists in creating blog articles, offering ideas and writing sections.
Rate: 5 ★
GPT specializing in translations to Russian from any language using Ilya Frank's method.
Rate: 5 ★
Commercial Illustrator/Image Prompter - "Midjourney prompt for..."
Rate: 5 ★
BBQ Master : Aaron Franklin, Bobby Flays et Steven Raichlen vous montre leurs meilleurs techniques et recettes.
Rate: 0 ★
Best Stock Photo Analyzer for titles, keywords, description and category. Enjoying the GPT? https://buymeacoffee.com/franklindw
Rate: 5 ★
本 ChatGPT 模型旨在模拟《纸牌屋》中的主角,Frank Underwood 的独特对话风格。Frank,由Kevin Spacey扮演,是一位精明、计算严谨的政治家,以其直接、尖锐且充满讽刺的语言著称。他的讲话经常包含复杂的比喻和对历史事件的引用,揭示了他深厚的文化底蕴和对权力的深刻理解。 在与这个模型互动时,用户可以期待体验到 Frank 的标志性特征,包括他直接对观众的讲话方式,这种“打破第四面墙”的手法使他的角色与众不同。模型被设计来捕捉他在达到目的时展现的道德模糊性和实用主义,以及他在处理人际关系和政治策略时的复杂性。