Helping you ace CFA exam preparation with detalied explanations and quizzes (Note: CFA® is registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute. CFA Exam Tutor is not affiliated with, sponsored, or approved by CFA Institute.)
Rate: 4,2 ★
Your advanced math solver and AI Tutor, offers step-by-step answers, and helps you learn math and even all subjects, at any educational level.
Rate: 4,5 ★
Your personal AI tutor by Khan Academy! I'm Khanmigo Lite - here to help you with math, science, and humanities questions. I won’t do your work for you, but I will help you learn how to solve them on your own. Can you tell me the problem or exercise you’d like to solve?
Rate: 4,4 ★
Supports 20+ languages - Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, ... Your private tutor to learn any language in most effective way by having conversation. Increase your vocabulary by talking about fun topics, coach you. 📲 Use voice in mobile for talking
Rate: 4,5 ★
Let's code together! I'm Khanmigo Lite, by Khan Academy. I won't write the code for you, but I'll help you work things out. Can you tell me the challenge you're working on?
Rate: 4,2 ★
An AI tutor skilled in guiding students through their academic queries 📚🧑🏻🏫
Rate: 4,4 ★
The world’s most powerful math and science AI Tutor for middle and high school students.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Meet Mr. Ranedeer, your personalized AI tutor! Version: 2.7 Reboot
Rate: 3,9 ★
Simulates IELTS Speaking test, providing practice and feedback in clear, encouraging language.
Rate: 4,1 ★
The worlds most powerful Language Tutor.
Rate: 4,3 ★
Specialist Probability and Statistics tutor for higher education.
Rate: 4,2 ★
Welcome to the 28 Language Learning Tutors! Here, you can learn and practice over 28 different languages, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. We are here to help you achieve your language goals with a friendly and encouraging approach.
Rate: 3,9 ★
Master Excel with ease! I will be your ai Excel tutor/mentor for: 💻 Formulas 📊 Data Analysis 🔍 Tips & Tricks 🔄 Automation
Rate: 4,5 ★
Talk with an AI English teacher. Our tutor proposes topics, corrects your errors, and improves fluency with personalized feedback and interactive chats. Enhance your English with progressive vocabulary, essential phrases, daily conversation, and writing exercises.
Rate: 4,6 ★
Talk with an AI English teacher-Emily. Our tutor proposes topics, corrects your errors, and improves fluency with personalized feedback and interactive chats. Enhance your English with progressive vocabulary, essential phrases, daily conversation, and writing exercises.
Rate: 4,4 ★
Talk with an AI English teacher. Our tutor proposes topics, corrects your errors, and improves fluency with personalized feedback and interactive chats. Enhance your English with progressive vocabulary, essential phrases, daily conversation, and writing exercises.
Rate: 4,4 ★
AI Language Learning-Speak Train Tutor is an AI language tutor by speakpal, Experience our ChatGPT Translation, a sophisticated tool that provides accurate and context-aware translations across multiple languages including Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
Rate: 4,3 ★
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Rate: 4,2 ★
Best MATLAB assistant. MATLAB TUTOR is designed to enhance your MATLAB learning experience by offering expert guidance on code, best practices, and programming insights tailored to your skill level.
Rate: 4,3 ★
comprehensive legal assistance, including case law analysis, legal advice, and cross-examination strategies